We Can Prove It!
If you would like to go further
My job with God and Jesus is to reintroduce what Jesus was asking people to do. Jesus made this offer to everyone. God’s original plan was to have sons and daughters to serve Him, while God provided for all their needs. In the Old Testament this idea went drastically wrong. Thus the need for a second covenant. This second covenant can be found in Malachi chapters three and four. Jesus brought that covenant. It included a person giving up all that he had and being trained by God using the Holy Spirit and Jesus’s commandments as a guide. God’s job with a human being was to train him or her, to be a giver of life, rather than being a taker of life. This was and is a very difficult job.
If you look behind the front cover of the book you will find a card. God gave Jesus an entire list of miracles which He could perform. These miracles would prove who He was. What God has given to me is “The Fear of God”, in order to prove who I am. weThis card is not to be taken lightly. It should be used to prove that the information, I am giving you, is correct.
Also, God gave me a set of instructions, found in the back of the book, which ask for the Holy Spirit, once the cost of becoming a disciple or a son or a daughter of God, has been determined. If you would like a copy of everything mentioned above, please write me at:
Sam Hoffmeier
1611 West 24th Terrace
Independence, MO 64052
sam hoffmeier, autor, religiöser autor, heilig dem lord.net, holytothelord.net, herr ist unsere rechtschaffenheit, herrschaftliche rechtschaffenheit, samuel hoffmeier, christian, christentum, jesus, jesus gebote, gebote von jesus, jünger, jünger, schüler, maleachi, Kreuz, Kurkifixierung, Gott, Heiliger Geist, Geist, Spiritualität, Spiritualität, Pfad zum Himmel, Himmel, himmlische, direkte Verbindung zu Gott, Prüfung von Jesus Christus, Jesus Rückkehr, Jesus Angebot, Opfergabe durch Jesus,
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